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Culture Night Belfast

Culture Night is Belfast biggest cultural celebration with over 30,000 people attending this year’s event on Friday 18th September 2015. 

For this year’s event, New Lodge Arts staged a Physical Theatre performance with the participants from the Acting Up Summer Camp programme.  The performance was staged in Bouys Park.  

The piece was devised by a group of young people from North Belfast and Newtownabbey who worked with local drama tutor Sean Mullan and was based on a range of youth issues, good relations and culture. 

'Acting Up' Summer Camp

‘Acting Up’ Summer Camp

16-19 August 2015

This Summer Camp was funded under the OFMDFM TBUC programme and aimed to engage young people with a passion for Drama in a cross community project with good relations at the core.  The group included 20 young people New Lodge Arts and Newtownabbey Arts & Cultural Network Theatre Company. The project included Drama Workshops, Teambuilding and Outdoor activities. 

Cats - New Lodge Style

Junior Arts Academy

‘Cats New Lodge Style’

3rd-7th August 2015

New Lodge Arts Junior Summer Arts Academy took place from Monday 3rd August – Friday 7th August 2015 with 22 young people participating in the programme.  Led by Brona Jackson and Sarah Davies, the young people devised their own piece of theatre based on Cats the Musical.  The programme provided dance, drama and singing workshops for young people from the Greater New Lodge and surrounding areas aged 6-11yrs.

Summer Street Party - New Lodge Festival

New Lodge Arts –Summer Street Party

Saturday 9th August 2015

As part of this year’s Summer Events programme, New Lodge Arts were excited to bring back the ‘street party’.  The event took place on Saturday 8th August 2015with an array of activity including Street Theatre, Circus Acts, Bouncy Castles, Street Games, Music, Drawing and a variety of Arts & Crafts.  There really was something for everyone and it was fantastic to see the local community, young and old, united together to celebrate arts and culture.

Summer Fun Day 1st August 2015

Summer Fun Day – Waterworks Park

Saturday 1st August 2015

New Lodge Arts Event Management Team recently organised and delivered a summer fun day for the north Belfast community. The group of young people (aged 13-16 years) helped apply for funding, which was successful and then worked together weekly to plan the event. The young people had complete control of everything from booking the artists and performers to sorting first aid and equipment, basically co-ordinating the entire event.


Contact Details

New Lodge Arts Ashton Centre 5 Churchill Street Belfast, BT15 2BP 028 9074 2255 anne.delaney@ashtoncentre.com 

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