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Young Leaders Programme - OCN Level 2

Age Range: 
New Lodge Arts Office

Young Leaders Programme – OCN in Youth LeadershipThis accredited programme is provided for young people aged 14-17 years old that are interested in learning about and training in youth work, as well as getting some valuable voluntary experience. This programme teaches the young people about the different aspects of youth work, leadership, child protection, group work, communication and much more.The programme consists of 3 units which focus on:

  • An Introduction to Youth Leadership (definitions, theory, purpose).
  • Communication (different types, methods, decision making, team work).
  • Planning and Delivering a Youth Work session.

Once these 3 units have been completed the young people will then go out and volunteer in the community/youth centres, putting the skills they’ve gained into practice. The young people can set these placements up themselves, which ideal for those already involved with a centre, or New Lodge Arts can arrange this. Everything done within this programme, and all our programmes, will have stemmed from the needs of the young people, therefore each time we deliver this, it can be adopted to suit the needs of different groups. Our Current Young Leaders! We currently have a group of 6 young people that are taking part in our young leaders programme, after completing it they will gain a qualification – an OCN in Youth Leadership. The current group of young leaders are aiming to have this completed by September 2014.Meet the group –

  • Katie Rae Craig, 15.
  • Orla Thompson, 16.
  • Caitlin Ligget, 16.
  • Deborah O’Neill, 14.
  • Jamie White, 16

If you are interested in the Young Leaders programme, please get in touch with Orla Hawkins on 028 9074 2255 or email orla.hawkins@ashtoncentre.com

Contact Details

New Lodge Arts Ashton Centre 5 Churchill Street Belfast, BT15 2BP 028 9074 2255 anne.delaney@ashtoncentre.com 

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